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Sunday, June 21, 2020

Clueless, White Americans

You say you don't understand why Black Americans are angry and protesting?

Well, Charlie White, here's an old Peanuts comic strip that I hope will help you wake up to reality.

When Charles Schulz created this strip many years ago, I'm certain he was not commenting on racial inequality.

However, now that the entire country has witnessed the murder of George Floyd, Schulz's Fathers Day comic strip is a perfect visual metaphor for the underlying history and the current state of race relations in America.

Friday, June 19, 2020

Master of the Half-Truth

half-truth ˈhaf ˈˌtro͞oTH | nouna statement that conveys only part of the truth, especially one used deliberately in order to deceive someonethe nuclear industry has often resorted to half-truths and cover-ups.

Because Donald Trump lies constantly, I rarely agree with anything he says, but this tag line from a video he shared on Twitter is accurate.

"America is not the problem. Fake news is," says the video that fakes CNN footage.

However, as with all things related to Trump, there is a caveat.

Trump is a master of the half-truth.

Fake news is indeed a problem, but the major sources of fake news are Trump's enablers, right-wing media outlets, and Trump himself.

Twitter Flags Video Shared By Trump As 'Manipulated Media'

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Propaganda 101: Lesson 1

Sowing And Nurturing Lies


Tell a lie; apologize. Tell another lie; apologize. Tell yet another lie; apologize. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat…


This is a favorite tactic of those who mislead the public because it works so well. The apologies are disingenuous and purely cosmetic. Once a lie has been published it will circulate among the true-believers as unassailable truth despite the apologies of the perpetrators and debunking evidence from their critics.


Fox News runs digitally altered images in coverage of Seattle’s protests, Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone 

Click here to read the full article.

Click here for a list of apologies from Fox News for lies it has successfully sown and nurtured.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Coming Distractions?

Rumor has it that Donald Trump is going to give a speech on race relations, and Stephen Miller is writing it.

Here's what you need to know:

Trailer Definition - What is a Trailer?

Trailers refer to short previews of a piece of content, such as a movie trailer, which demonstrates scenes and the general plot and mood of a piece of media, in order to garner interest. This also applies to trailers for television or radio shows or other online content like podcasts or vlogs. Generally, trailers will be matched with other relevant content, such as a trailer for a fantasy movie appearing before a science fiction movie, or a trailer for a family comedy appearing before a children's animated film. A trailer might also appear for self-promotion, such as content on the same network or a trailer for the next episode of a series or sequel in a film franchise.

Visual Synopsis

(with thanks to Dana Milbank)

Here is Trump’s speech on race — word for word, alas

President Trump at a Cabinet meeting in May. (Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post

Sunday, June 7, 2020

A D-Day Disparity

A Leader and A Loser

When General Dwight D. Eisenhower ordered the D-Day invasion of Normandy he wrote a letter designed to blame himself alone if it failed.

Dwight Eisenhower was a leader.

On June 5, 1944, General Dwight D. Eisenhower was preparing to send Allied troops across the English Channel to France, where he hoped they would push the German troops back across Europe. More than 5,000 ships waited to transport more than 150,000 soldiers to France before daybreak the following morning. The fighting to take Normandy would not be easy. The beaches the men would assault were tangled in barbed wire, booby trapped, and defended by German soldiers in concrete bunkers.

On the afternoon of June 5, as the Allied soldiers, their faces darkened with soot and cocoa, milled around waiting to board the ships, Eisenhower went to see the men he was almost certainly sending to their deaths. He joked with the troops, as apparently upbeat as his orders to them had been when he told them Operation Overlord had launched. “The tide has turned!” his letter had read. “The free men of the world are marching together to Victory!”

But after cheering his men on, he went back to his headquarters and wrote another letter. Designed to blame himself alone if Operation Overlord failed, it read:

“Our landings in the Cherbourg-Havre area have failed to gain a satisfactory foothold and I have withdrawn the troops. My decision to attack at this time and place was based upon the best information available. The troops, the air and the Navy did all that Bravery and devotion to duty could do. If any blame or fault attaches to the attempt it is mine alone.”

The letter was, of course, never delivered. Operation Overlord was a success, launching the final assault in which western democracy, defended by ordinary men and women, would destroy European fascism.

A year later, General Eisenhower was welcomed home as the hero who had won World War Two. But for all those noisy accolades, it was the letter of June 5, written in secret, alone and unsure whether the future would find him right or wrong but willing to take both the risk and the blame if he failed, that proved his heroism.

* * *
On June 6, 2020, Donald J. Trump was in office for 3 years 137 days. Not once in that time has he taken responsibility for any of his actions.

Donald Trump is not a leader. Donald Trump is a loser.

* * *

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

An Open Letter To George Floyd Protestors

Organizer of peaceful protest in Seattle reacts to looting, riots downtown

Dear Peaceful Protestors,

Outside agitators have been showing up to hijack your peaceful protests and turn them into riots.

You do not have to stand idly by as they subvert your peaceful protest for their nefarious ends. 

One of the goals stated by the leaders of your protest is for police departments to implement community-based policing policies. You are a community, and you can take action to show your community's commitment to achieving that goal. 

You outnumber the agitators by at least a hundred to one. When they show up with bullhorns to incite violence, or when they break windows or otherwise initiate mayhem:
  1. Use your cameras to video them in action.
  2. Surround them and don't let them leave.
  3. Take them to the police.
  4. Show the police the video evidence of what they were doing.
This course of action will show the world beyond any doubt that you are responsible citizens exercising your First Amendment right peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. It will also frighten away the cowardly agitators and enhance the likelihood that your grievances will be heard, taken seriously, and acted upon.

In solidarity with your protest,

George A. Denino, a fellow citizen

A Letter Perfect Solution

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Adding a single, short line to the first letter of Mr. Carlson's first name to chang...