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Wednesday, June 3, 2020

An Open Letter To George Floyd Protestors

Organizer of peaceful protest in Seattle reacts to looting, riots downtown

Dear Peaceful Protestors,

Outside agitators have been showing up to hijack your peaceful protests and turn them into riots.

You do not have to stand idly by as they subvert your peaceful protest for their nefarious ends. 

One of the goals stated by the leaders of your protest is for police departments to implement community-based policing policies. You are a community, and you can take action to show your community's commitment to achieving that goal. 

You outnumber the agitators by at least a hundred to one. When they show up with bullhorns to incite violence, or when they break windows or otherwise initiate mayhem:
  1. Use your cameras to video them in action.
  2. Surround them and don't let them leave.
  3. Take them to the police.
  4. Show the police the video evidence of what they were doing.
This course of action will show the world beyond any doubt that you are responsible citizens exercising your First Amendment right peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. It will also frighten away the cowardly agitators and enhance the likelihood that your grievances will be heard, taken seriously, and acted upon.

In solidarity with your protest,

George A. Denino, a fellow citizen


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