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Wednesday, July 22, 2020

"They" and "Our"

Donald J. Trump is using these two dog-whistle words to call out to his brainwashed base for acts of violence that will help him become a dictator in fact as opposed to the dictator by presidential decree and executive order he has been since his inauguration.

If you don't recognize that reality fter nearly four years of his divisive rhetoric, government chaos, and attacks on those who have tried to defend the rule of law, you are part of the problem.

President Trump is making a play for suburban voters by trying to convince them that if Democrat Joe Biden wins, then crime will be rampant.
Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images

 To read and/or listen to the Tamara Keith's NPR article, click here, or on the title above.

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Trump is pitching fear to his base, but the real threat to America comes from Trump himself.

This rewrite of the Pledge of Allegiance cuts to the chase to make clear where Trump, his supporters, and his enablers in the GOP will take us if he is reelected in November.
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the Divided States of America, and to the Theocracy for which it stands, one Plantation under Trump, inconsolable, with fascism and bondage for all.

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