If asked, the conservative justices, who now control the Supreme Court and impose the regressive mores of originalism on all Americans, would point out that when Jefferson wrote the founding document of our country, many of its signatories believed that those with brown or black skin were not men, but property, specifically livestock to be bred, worked, sold, and slaughtered as needed. Similarly, they believed that women were the property of their husbands. Today's originalist justices believe that both groups had then and still have no standing before the law today.
That is essentially the sum and substance of the precedents Justice Samuel Alito cited in his recently leaked draft on abortion to justify overturning Roe v. Wade. It will be the basis of the originalist arguments the conservative majority in the Supreme Court will use to undo marriage equality, contraception, and other civil rights that were not included in the text of The Constitution.
The implications for the law of overruling Roe will be enormous. Justice Alito’s draft opinion for the Court says that Roe was “egregiously wrong” because it protects a right that was not included in the text of the Constitution, was not protected by the original meaning of the Constitution, and was not traditionally safeguarded as a constitutional right.
– excerpt from: The Enormous Consequences of Overruling Roe v. Wade
This is not my coloring book, but it would surely become the official coloring book of America should the Republican Party regain control of Congress in the midterm election.
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