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Saturday, May 7, 2022

Signal to Noise Help

The Political Price of Honesty and Transparency in Today's America

In an America where Fox "News" right-wing disinformation and the left's response to it dominate the political narrative, being honest and transparent becomes a political liability.

Case in Point: President Biden's approval rating is below 50% not because he is doing a poor job but because he is telling Americans what they need to hear and counting on their being able to hear the truth through the noise.

In such a noisy environment, it is critical that Americans take the time to learn and consider the details behind and realistic options for solving complex problems instead of being brainwashed by the droning hype of 24/7 propaganda touting solutions that are simplistic, ideological, emotion-driven, and counter-productive.

Heather Cox Richardson's Letters from an American is an excellent tool for increasing the signal to noise ratio, and I strongly urge you to subscribe to and read her daily posts.

In her May 6 letter, Ms. Richardson discusses how decades of economic noise (supply-side economics and Trump's ties to Putin) obscure the clear signal of President Biden's economic policies, which have brought back jobs, raised wages and accomplished "the fastest economic recovery since the pandemic of any of the wealthiest liberal democracies that make up the Group of Seven (G7) countries."

Click this link for the signal-boosting full story. Heather Cox Richardson's May 6, 2022 Letters from an American

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