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Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Pence Pundits

from the Wall Street Journal:

White House Wants Signoff on Coronavirus Messaging 
Officials are instructed to seek approval from vice president’s office on public comments
In a news conference Wednesday, President Trump appointed Vice President Pence to lead the government’s efforts to combat coronavirus. Photo: Erik S. Lesser/EPA/Shutterstock
By Andrew Restuccia and Stephanie Armour Updated Feb. 27, 2020 6:59 pm ET

If you've been paying attention, it should come as no surprise that Donald Trump is much more interested in protecting his image than he is in addressing the corona virus threat to protect the public. To accomplish that goal, he has assigned the task of controlling the messaging regarding the threat to Vice President Michael Pence.

Illustrated Assessment:
This Dilbert Classic comic strip suggests how Mike Pence may have become Vice President, why he is the perfect choice to cover Donald Trump's ass, and exactly what he will do to make sure Trump looks good no matter what happens with the virus.

Veep! Veep!

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